
Defending A380’s Safety

“A Skeptic Under Pressure” (Sept. 27) paints a very inaccurate picture of our company and our commitment to providing our customers with safe and reliable technology.

The certification of the systems used in the Airbus A380 is an ongoing process, which is not yet completed. All products must pass extensive qualification tests in strict compliance with all regulatory requirements.

The TTTech component will be certified under the rigors applicable to newly designed aircraft, and safety of flight will be assured.


Product safety is an absolute priority for our company.

Stefan Poledna

Chief Executive

TTTech Computertechnik



I have to tell you how very, very disappointed I am about the way your story turned out.

While it makes for interesting reading, you have attributed to Joseph Mangan hugely disproportionate weight and credibility -- and you have done your readers the very disservice I was most concerned about: giving the false impression that there is some sort of looming safety issue with the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 787 as well despite the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever to support that impression.

There is no evidence to support Mr. Mangan’s assertions, and information from the involved parties point to his being wrong. Just because an individual is unable to let go of his worldview does not mean that view is worthy of being given the status of supposed fact.

Clay McConnell

Vice President,


Airbus North America

Herndon, Va.
