
Evaluating the state’s academic performance

Re “California Students Are Still

Struggling,” Oct. 20

So “some education experts attribute the disparity (among large-group test scores) to dwindling academic focus on older students.” How about attributing it, at least in part, to lousy versus good attendance.

I recently retired from 40 years as a teacher and school counselor for three different districts in Los Angeles County, working for more than 15 different principals (they changed schools often, not me), at a middle school, high schools, adult schools and occupational centers.

I sincerely venture that good attendance is highly correlated with good scores on almost any academic measure. Teachers can’t focus on students when they aren’t in the classroom.





I moved here from a Boston suburb where my kids went to an excellent school and I served on the school board. There are reasons why Massachusetts schools vastly outperform California schools.

* Local control: In Massachusetts, the towns set their own budgets, and if they want to raise more funds to spend on their schools, they do.

* Better teaching methods: Massachusetts does not approve textbooks. Nor do most districts use scripted reading programs, over-rely on text and workbooks or spend much time on the boring drudgery of test prep.


After two years in the incredibly mediocre California public schools, I moved my kids to a parochial school.


Apple Valley
