
Differing Views on Images From Above

From Associated Press

The images are so detailed you can tell whether a neighbor’s hedge was recently trimmed or whether the car parked in front of a favorite local eatery might belong to a friend.

Such views are available online for anyone to see from some of the biggest names on the Internet, including Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Google Inc.

The companies’ newly evolving local search and mapping services, where the photographic images are typically rendered as search results, make it easier than ever to scout out everything from vacation destinations to a new hairdresser.


Never before have searchable databases of detailed pictures covering wide swaths of urban areas been readily available like this to the public.

And that has privacy advocates worried about the risks of such picture perfect exposure to vulnerable citizens such as women in domestic violence shelters.

“I think there are going to be privacy issues, no doubt about it -- somebody’s going to feel uncomfortable with it,” said Charlene Li of Forrester Research. “So the question becomes, ‘What are the trade-offs? Is the value worth it?’ ”


Yes, according to research by Forrester.

Li said she’s already seeing consumer interest, and she expects companies to continue to develop such tools because they see the potential for online advertising from local businesses who may not want to buy national online ads.

Microsoft, which late last year began offering detailed images of metropolitan areas taken from airplanes, said last week that it would team with Verizon Communications Inc. to distribute local business advertisements from Verizon’s on Microsoft’s local search pages.

And Amazon, whose A9 subsidiary has since August offered street-level images taken from vans, says the main goal of its site is to help people find local businesses. The company’s site currently lists images from two dozen U.S. cities.


The most detailed images available from Microsoft’s service are currently only for some U.S. cities, and there are some satellite images of international locations.

Google offers images from all over the world, but the amount of detail varies greatly depending on the location.

For example, users scouting out urban areas like Seattle or New York can make out individual houses and buildings, while those living in Lander, Wyo., see a much less detailed view with Google and get only a graphic map with Microsoft’s service.

Google’s service mostly gets its images from satellites, and although they’re not nearly as detailed as those of Amazon or Microsoft, they are nevertheless good enough to recognize one’s home.

John Hanke, a product director at Google, says the technology is popular for figuring out whether a vacation spot is all it’s cracked up to be -- Is that “beachfront” hotel really on the beach, or across the highway from the beach? -- and for house hunting.

Daniel DeConinck, an engineer and entrepreneur living in Toronto, used Google’s site to find an accountant close to his house, and has since used it to scout out nearby bicycle shops and computer retailers. He thinks it has the potential to one day replace the local yellow pages.


“Anyone who I’ve shown Google Maps to, their jaw just drops when they see that,” he said.

A9’s street-level views of some U.S. cities, meanwhile, include clear pictures of people and cars when they happen to be in the frame.

The aim is to give people what A9 Vice President Barnaby Dorfman calls “a very human experience,” similar to what you would see walking or driving down a street.

Pam Dixon of the World Privacy Forum says such images can potentially be used to track people who are vulnerable.

She said A9 removed images of shelters upon her request and now gives people the option of removing their personal information from its directories.

She’s hoping that such policies will become widespread.

“I really think you should have the option to say, ‘No. No, thanks,’ ” she said.

But the companies say that they have received few complaints.
