
For and against Limbaugh

TIM RUTTEN’S “rush to accuse” every AM talk show host of “mean-spirited vulgarity” because of Rush Limbaugh’s tactless remarks about Michael J. Fox was offensive [“What’s Lost in the Rush to Accuse?” Oct. 28]. Clearly he doesn’t bother to listen to many of the voices who actually offer intelligent discussion as well as opposing views on provocative issues.

I’d be happy to send him a list of these hosts but he’s clearly decided that they all offer nothing but “harsh intolerance” and “habitual incivility.”


Woodland Hills


LIMBAUGH’S characterization of Fox’s appearance gives new meaning to “playground bully.” As a radio commentator, Limbaugh has a responsibility to check the facts about the side effects from medication for Parkinson’s disease before making misleading statements.


Ironically, Limbaugh’s callous remarks have cast a favorable spotlight on Fox’s endorsement of Democratic congressional candidates who approve of legislation for stem cell research. Just punishment for the bully.


Los Angeles
