
Turn your shtick into solutions, Mr. Colbert

Regarding “Running for office? Better run from Colbert,” Oct. 22:

It is of course wonderful that our democracy is so, well, democratic that a comedian like Stephen Colbert can thrive on a steady diet of mockery and derision of our politicians. I am sure the youth culture delights in this frontal attack on the establishment (as did we ourselves at their age).

Still, why does the mockery have to limit itself to everything stupid and vulgar? What alternatives does Colbert have to the status quo, and what would he do better, even if he found a way to present it “funny”?

Rather, he would find, like the Tom Dobbs character in “Man of the Year,” that the actual burdens of running a democratic government are far harder than the simple life of a potshot comedian up in the peanut gallery.


If you think the folks in power are so stupid, jump in and do something different, make things better, propose something that really solves the problem. Then stick around to take accountability for your actions.

Maude Ham



Thank you for the article describing Stephen Colbert’s TV skit “Better Know a District” and the comments on its goal of making members of Congress look foolish.

After reading the article, I wondered whether Colbert should add another skit, “Better Know the Sections of the Newspaper,” so people will not be taken aback when they find business news relocated to the Sports section.


Ron Warren

Sherman Oaks
