
Gusher of views on Prop. 87

Regarding “Exxon Mobil earnings hit $10.5 billion,” Oct. 27:

For those of us who are being taken in by the flood of “Vote no on Proposition 87” TV commercials, please note that their prime funder is none other than major oil companies.

Do you get the picture? Think about Exxon Mobil Corp. and its repulsive profits when you cast your ballot for 87 and hope that we may someday breathe clean air and become energy independent.

George Magit



Your article about Exxon Mobil earnings made it sound as if its executives had committed some sort of crime. They don’t have a lock on the market -- I see lots of stations from other companies on every corner.


It just may be that they have a very well-run company. “Profit” is not a dirty word.

David DeWitt

