
Korda’s ‘Ike’ entertains as it frustrates

Times Staff Writer

Competence and practical intelligence are strikingly absent from our public life these days, so it’s not surprising that Dwight D. Eisenhower’s career and reputation are coming in for a well-deserved reappraisal.

At 74, Michael Korda -- who probably has edited and written enough bestsellers to fill a troop transport -- retains the sense of timing that made his 37-year tenure as Simon & Schuster’s editor-in-chief so remarkable. Still, though he has positioned himself squarely in what may well be a new Eisenhower moment, Korda’s sprawling new book, “Ike: An American Hero,” is alternately engaging and frustrating -- more likely to whet than satisfy the reasonably serious appetite.

In part, this stems from the author’s mainly synoptic method. His extensive notes indicate infrequent recourse to original or archival material and an essential reliance on previously published material, including memoirs by Eisenhower and his family members, as well as well-known biographies by such reliable popular historians as Stephen Ambrose, William Manchester and Hugh Trevor-Roper.


In some larger part, reservations about “Ike” have to do with Korda’s own authorial tics, including a disconcerting repetition of phrases such as, “Mamie must have thought. . .” or “Ike had to feel. . . . “ Clearly, as an author seriously attempting to reconstruct from secondary sources the personalities of fascinatingly complex individuals now dead, Korda faced a formidable challenge. It is, however, this reader’s experience that few impulses are as perilously unreliable as the tendency to project a logical inevitability onto the thoughts and feelings of others.

It also should be noted that fewer than 100 of this book’s nearly 800 pages are devoted to Eisenhower’s eight-year presidency, which is a pity, since those two terms may be the part of Eisenhower’s distinguished career most worthy of reconsideration. His firm but judicious prosecution of the Cold War, his refusal to commit American troops to either Southeast Asia or the Middle East and his reservations about the growing influence of both the “military industrial complex” -- a phrase he coined -- and the intelligence agencies are matters that seem urgently relevant today.

Korda’s biography, then, is basically the story of Eisenhower’s rise from son of Mennonite -- which is to say pacifist -- Kansas farmers to Supreme Commander of the triumphant Allied forces in Europe. It’s an epic life, and Korda handles it with great verve and skill. In fact, it does his intelligently conversational style no disservice to call “Ike” entertaining -- which it is, even when it frustrates.


As an editor and writer, Korda always has been drawn to power and its uses. He once remarked that, “In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.” In Eisenhower, Korda found his ideal subject, because this fiercely ambitious but extraordinarily dutiful young officer’s progress through the Army’s ranks is, if nothing else, the story of a willing pupil’s education in personal, martial and civic responsibility. To an extent that this book makes usefully clear, Eisenhower was the last “19th century man” to occupy the Oval Office, and it is only in hindsight that we can recognize how the nation benefited from that fact. “Ike” also is an evocation of the now-vanished, claustrophobically insular and basically aristocratic culture prevailing in Washington and in the military between the two world wars. Korda has a shrewd eye for its mores and quirks, a keen appreciation of how Eisenhower learned to navigate its deceptively treacherous shoals.

This book’s expansive scale gives Korda ample opportunity to exercise one of his principal talents, which is a gift for concisely delineating context. Time and again he sketches in the history required to support his biographical narrative in a few crisp but essential paragraphs, though it must be said that his feel for European and military history generally seems to exceed his grasp of purely American affairs.

Take, for example, the sentence “No other American military figure except George Washington rivaled (Douglas) MacArthur’s fame and prestige.”



Consider Ulysses S. Grant, who not only won the Civil War but actually went on to be elected president -- twice.

What’s doubly odd about that oversight is that Korda actually wrote a brief, though not particularly good, biography of Grant and somehow overlooks the obvious -- and rather compelling -- parallels between his two subjects. Both Eisenhower and Grant were sons of the agrarian Midwest and found their opening on the wider world through the demanding meritocracy of West Point. Both were superb horsemen and masters of military logistics. Both were instinctively unpretentious, suspicious of pomp, adverse to publicity and related naturally to the private soldiers under their command. Both were astonishingly quick studies and fine writers whose reports and orders were models of clarity. Perhaps more important, both were underrated as military commanders because they enjoyed material advantage over their opponents -- even though both succeeded where similarly endowed officers failed -- and both were dramatically and unfairly undervalued as presidents.

Those comparisons, which might well have been Korda’s, will have to await another author.

On the other hand, this author does have a fine eye for anecdote and a terrific facility for the deftly sketched biographical portrait. Here is how he introduces MacArthur:

“First of all, he was a national hero, a figure who to many Americans virtually incarnated patriotism; he not only ‘walked with kings’ (and presidents) but even talked down to them. Except for the fact that they were both West Pointers, he and Ike could hardly have been more different. MacArthur was wealthy, socially and politically well-connected, famous, glamorous, eccentric, deeply theatrical, patrician, a shameless old-fashioned snob, a military aristocrat and a reckless hero.”

(Eisenhower served loyally and with distinction under MacArthur when he was Army chief of staff and, later, in the Philippines. Things ended badly between them. Ike would later describe himself as having “studied drama” under MacArthur and the latter would call Eisenhower “the best clerk I ever had.”)

Where Korda’s gossipy, conversational style comes a cropper is in his characterization of his subject’s romantic relationships, in which he manages to be prissy and prurient at the same time. In his Grant biography he was merely vulgar in musing over the great man’s storied devotion to the unprepossessing Julia, recalling Byron’s famous lines on George III:


He had that household virtue, most uncommon,

Of constancy to a bad, ugly woman.

In Eisenhower’s case, Korda frets endlessly over Ike and Mamie’s frequent and lengthy separations as occasions of estrangement and, more obliquely, infidelity. Then, he primly adds, “Whatever the truth of the matter -- and it is pointless, and possibly tasteless, to speculate -- relations between them seem to have been strained.” After exploring Eisenhower’s well-known wartime relationship with his English driver, Kay Summersby -- whose memoir Korda edited -- the author concludes, “The truth of the matter is that nobody knows, and prurient speculation is out of place.”


Korda’s book is nonetheless a reliable, nicely readable introduction for those who know nothing of Eisenhower and a good refresher for those who have studied only parts of his brilliant, admirable career. One thing that comes through without impediment is just how much deep, first-hand experience of his country and the world Eisenhower brought to his appointment as Supreme Allied Commander and, later, to the presidency.

Surveying the current political landscape, it’s a sobering insight.

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