
Push Bush on energy, climate

Re “Frustrated EU may boycott Bush’s summit on climate,” Dec. 14

If the Bush administration insists on holding a climate summit without allowing the inclusion of targets for carbon emissions, the European Union nations should still attend, but use their time, one by one, to shame the administration for its foot-dragging and stubborn denial of reality. Bush’s problem is the financial effect that he knows doing the right thing will have on his friends in the coal and oil industries.

While he and the GOP typically frame most arguments in economic rather than human terms, Bush ignores the tremendous economic opportunities that green energy presents. White House Press Secretary Dana Perino’s weak excuse that “we’re not prepared at this moment” to set goals would be laughable if it weren’t so maddening. To wait until after 2012 is to fiddle while Rome -- in this case, our atmosphere and environment -- burns.

Mike Laskavy

Oak Park
