
Residents to vote on city status

Residents of this unincorporated bedroom community between Seal Beach and Los Alamitos will vote Nov. 4 on whether to become a city, the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission decided Thursday.

In a 6-1 vote following a three-hour public hearing, the commission approved placing three measures on the November ballot: Measure A: Whether Rossmoor should incorporate; Measure B: the imposition of a 7% utility tax on households in the community; and Measure C: the imposition of a utility tax at 9%.

Measure A would be implemented only if either B or C is approved, said Carolyn Emery, a senior project manager with the commission. Should both tax measures pass, she said, the higher one would prevail.


If approved, she said, cityhood would take effect Jan. 1, 2009.

Rossmoor, an upscale community with about 7,400 registered voters but little commercial base, has been under pressure to incorporate since the county began reducing its financial burdens after a bankruptcy in 1994.


-- David Haldane
