
Can’t beat price for ‘Terra Cotta’

Here’s one of the better cultural freebies to come this way in a while: the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana is offering free admission on Oct. 5 to its popular exhibition, “Terra Cotta Warriors: Guardians of China’s First Emperor,” which closes Oct. 16.

Target Corp. is picking up the tab, via a newly announced $150,000 grant that will provide free admission the first Sunday of each month at the Bowers through next September.

Since “Terra Cotta Warriors” is limited to 250 admissions per hour to avoid overcrowding, museum officials suggest that people arrive early: Distribution of the 2,000 tickets for the day will be on a first-come basis, starting at 9 a.m.


The investment company PIMCO also sponsors 400 free admissions for the show every Friday, springing for 100 per hour from 4 to 7 p.m.

-- Mike Boehm
