
Beauty and beholders

Re “Pageant rocked on its high heels,” May 12

It’s ridiculous for the beauty pageant organizers to say that their event was “hijacked” by Carrie Prejean, who merely answered the question she was asked.

If anyone hijacked the pageant, it was Perez Hilton, who asked the controversial question. I was surprised that The Times didn’t mention more about his role in this brouhaha.

If pageant organizers didn’t want controversy, they should have restricted the questions to typically bland beauty pageant fare, such as, “What’s your position on world peace?”


L.J. Williamson

Los Angeles

To the pageant directors: Don’t ask a loaded question and then complain about the answer you get.

Prejean may not have known the question beforehand, but the pageant organizers knew she was a Christian, and they had a gay man ask the question. Who hijacked the pageant?

Liz Huber



With everything going on in the world today, is it really important to concentrate on whether a vapid, poorly spoken and superficial beauty queen keeps her crown?


When Prejean comes up with a cure for cancer, then I’d like to read about her. Until then, keep her in the tabloids where she belongs.

Marylu Zenzola



There are too many people in this country who believe in the right of free speech -- as long as it conforms to their particular view.

Tim Luckett

Rancho Cucamonga


I disagree with Prejean’s opinion on same-sex marriage, but I was appalled at the savage attacks she came under for voicing her opinion -- after she was asked for it.


The overwhelming hypocrisy on so many sides of this -- from the viciously attacking left, to Prejean’s lies about her “racy” photos, to the ridiculous system of “beauty pageants” -- would be entertaining if it weren’t so sad. A little perspective is in order.

Marshall Aren

Laguna Beach


Since when is it controversial to believe in traditional marriage? The attacks on Prejean for her personal views are bigotry. Liberals, including women’s groups, have been silent on these vitriolic assaults, exposing them as political ideologues.

The cry that Prejean has to represent all the “diverse” views of California is ridiculous. Where’s the tolerance among Prejean’s detractors, who are attempting to muzzle her free speech?

Pat Murphy

Pacific Palisades
