
Innovators Unplugged LATimes_Studios_content_logos_Oct2024_BLK_FNL-Innovators_HRZ.svg


  • “Every single thing and experience that you have tends to be something down the line that will be useful in one way or another, so don’t regret the things you’ve done because they all end up contributing to the person you are.”

  • “When women, or anyone, is looking to start a business, my first question to them is: ‘Is what you’re doing not out there? Is it unique and different?’ ... If it’s not being done well, then there’s your opportunity.”

  • “I think as entrepreneurs we always have to remind ourselves to celebrate the wins, whether they are big or small.”

  • “The nature of an entrepreneurial journey is there’s going to be a lot of ups and downs and you really need to have your cheerleaders surrounding you when you hit those hard times.”

  • “The advice that I would give…is to know that you’re enough. That it doesn’t matter where you come from, it only matters where you want to go and the passion that will drive you there.”

  • “nes” is where you give just enough information to be informative while retaining control over what you reveal.

  • “The best advice I’ve ever received was do what you want – you have to remind yourself no matter how much somebody loves you and wants the best for you, they are not you.”

  • “Starting a business takes a lot of hard work. Surround yourself with people smarter than you – you don’t know everything and there are lots of people out there to help you in different ways.”

  • “Never stop. Always ask questions. Always surround yourself with people you trust and can rely on.”

  • “Whatever you have an idea about, just do it and don’t think of what it’s going to be in the end. Focus on what are the first steps you’re going to take to achieve that.”

  • “Figure out why you started the business and stay true to the reason why you started it. I think that can get you back to where your confidence should kick in and be amazing.”

  • “Ideas are one thing, but practicing the ideas is another. If you don’t have the right team in place, the right mindset in place and the burning desire in place, it’s probably not going to go anywhere.”

  • “People are going to tell you that it is hard and impossible. But that’s okay. That’s part of the process. The hard work is part of being able to reap the great rewards in the end.”

  • “There’s nothing better than being your own boss.”
