
15 dating etiquette mistakes to avoid this Valentine’s Day

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The Daily Meal

Valentine’s Day, for better or worse, is a holiday focused on date night. Yes, this Hallmark-approved day is meant to celebrate love and romance, but it’s really an occasion meant for a night out on the town. So, you’ve likely gone through the effort of planning a spectacular evening for two in an attempt to show the one you love just how much you care. But just because you booked a reservation at a fancy restaurant, that doesn’t mean your effort as a date ends there.

For the 15 Dating Etiquette Mistakes to Avoid This Valentine’s Day Gallery, click here.

Whether you’re spending this holiday with a new date, significant other, or spouse, you can’t forget to be a courteous date - and that means you need to follow proper dating etiquette. In increasingly casual times, some of the nuances of being a good date are being left behind. Sure, you know you shouldn’t chew with your mouth open or discuss politics, but there are plenty of fumbles, both big and small, that can take your Valentine’s Day from a day to always remember to one you wish you could forget.


So before you put on your best dress or suit and tie and head off to your date (on time, we hope), remember to be a proper person and avoid these 15 no-nos of Valentine’s Day dating etiquette.

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Happy Valentine’s Day:
