
Career Events

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• Inland Empire
CareerBuilder Expos are Southern California's premier job fairs and your chance to meet face to face with qualified candidates. Close to 16,000 job seekers attended Los Angeles Times Career Events in 2004; and over 7,000 job seekers attended the March 2004 Expo.
LA Times CareerBuilder Expos allow you to...
• Save money
• Save time
• Reach qualified candidates
• Engage in one-on-one personal interaction with job seekers
• Take advantage of the promotional power of the LA Times
LA Times CareerBuilder Expos have been promoted widely...
• Extensive advertising campaign in the Los Angeles Times
• Spectacular advertising campaign on
• Public relations notices sent to the area's top colleges
LA Times CareerBuilder Expos attract experienced attendees...
• 35% of attendees have completed their Bachelors degree, while 12.5% have obtained an advanced degree
• 50% of attendees have 6+ years of experience
• 66% of attendees are willing to commute up to 30 miles each way
• 58% of attendees are willing to relocate
  (Source: June 2004 LA Times CareerBuilder Expo Attendee Survey)
Why Should Advertisers Participate In Our CareerBuilder Expos?
The majority of attendees have had some type of exposure to your ads prior to attending the CareerBuilder Expo.
• 73% of CareerBuilder Expos attendees said their primary vehicle for hearing about the Expo was the Los Angeles Times
• 71% normally look for a job in the Los Angeles Times
2005 CareerBuilder Expo Dates Remaining:
May 3, 2005 . . . Los Angeles Convention Center (Healthcare Only)
June 28, 2005     . . .   Los Angeles Convention Center
September 27, 2005 . . . Los Angeles Convention Center
For more information on exhibiting, please contact:Chelle Davila, [email protected],1-800-LATIMES ext. 77401

Log on to for more information.
Booth Rate:
• $2500 per booth
Premium Positions:
• Premium booth positioning at the Expo – 20% premium
Ask about multiple booth/ multiple job fair discounts by calling Dana Bonner at 213-237-7202..




