
Was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘forced to apologize’ for her comments about Trump?

Fact checks
Oct. 19, 2016, 6:16 p.m.

Was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘forced to apologize’ for her comments about Trump?

Moments into the final presidential debate, Donald Trump faulted Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for criticizing his candidacy.

“She was forced to apologize, and apologize she did,” Trump said.

In July, Ginsburg said that she despaired for the country if Trump were elected, and she described him as egotistical, inconsistent and a “faker.”

She faulted Trump for saying “whatever comes into his head at the moment,” but then acknowledged that she too had spoken without thinking about the consequences.

Many legal commentators said it was unprecedented for a justice of the high court to speak out against a political candidate during an election year.

Responding to harsh criticism from Trump and many others, Ginsburg issued an extraordinary apology, saying she regretted her “ill-advised” comments.

“Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. In the future I will be more circumspect,” she said in a statement issued by the court.

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