
Letters: Climate wisdom from the Mayans

Re “New clues in decline of Maya,” Nov. 17

The article describing the decline of the Maya civilization should cause us all to realize that climate change can be devastating over a long period of time. However, the Mayans had no automobiles or any of the other technologies that many of us blame for changes in our year-to-year temperature and rainfall variances.

For the record, I actually do believe that we are in a period of climate change. Indeed, climate change has been a fact throughout the existence of the Earth.


The lesson is that while we should not ignore the effect of our modern world on the climate, we should also accept that changes will occur. Knowing this, we should all stop, take a deep breath of our relatively clean air and utilize the products and resources that we have at hand to improve our individual lives and the economy of our country.

Neal Rein

Westlake Village


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