
Readers React: Our reality TV president wants another tremendously successful summit with Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Trump give a joint news conference in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16.
(Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP)

To the editor: President Trump wants Russian leader Vladimir Putin to visit the United States for another summit later this year. This is, in my opinion, most unfortunate, because Putin can manipulate Trump.

We have already seen the president’s failures in Singapore and Helsinki. Narcissism has consequences. All an autocrat has to do is praise Trump, and the president might just give away the store. In any case, no matter what happens, Trump will describe his next meeting with Putin as a “tremendous successes.”

In May, the Washington Post identified more than 3,000 lies or misleading statements uttered by Trump since he took office. Unfortunately, his “show” is entertaining to about 40% of the country, and he was elected president, after all. Russian interference also helped him, and Russian money helped save his faltering business, but Trump’s show portrayed him as a genius.


Trump did not prepare for Helsinki. He did not have to prepare, because on Trump’s show, he is always an amazing success. As long as his voters like the show, then the show will go on.

Harry C. Triandis, Carlsbad


To the editor: It’s a great idea for Trump to host Putin right around our midterm election on Nov. 6. The Russian president’s visit will help get out the vote.

Let Putin observe the protests of a free people riling against the injustice of our last tainted election. He can watch firsthand as patriots of all political parties rally together and send a message to him and Trump that “We the People” will not tolerate outside interference in our democracy.


An added benefit would be if special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s findings are unveiled while Putin is in the country.

Bob Hoffman, Long Beach

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