
Letters to the Editor: Finally, some good COVID-19 news: Hospital cleaning staff get the vaccine

To the editor: The word “hero” is bandied about a lot in these times, and the hospital environmental service workers detailed in your article about them being at the front of the vaccine line are without a doubt deserving of the title.

I’m gratified to see this measure of recognition for their dedication to a grueling, dangerous job. I only wish President Trump and others who have callously downplayed the deadly impact of this pandemic could be sentenced to work a few of their shifts in a COVID-19 ward.

Sarah Jacobus, Los Angeles


To the editor: The juxtaposition of two articles this week warmed my heart.

In the Dec. 18 paper, there was an article about rich people unsuccessfully trying to bribe their way to an early vaccine. The next day, there was an article about hospital support staff such as room cleaners getting vaccinated.


Apparently, there is some justice in this world.

Roger Bourke, Alta, Utah


To the editor: I agree with Dr. Irene Chen’s letter to the editor asking if inoculating nursing home residents is the best use of our scarce vaccine supply right now.

Deaths are rising among young adults. Parents and others with dependent children should be among the first in line for COVID-19 vaccination. They don’t even seem to be part of the discussion; why is this?

As a healthy senior, I want to see young people and children vaccinated first so they can get back to work or school.


Statistics help us make broad predictions, but we really don’t know on an individual basis who is especially vulnerable to COVID-19 and who isn’t. The loss of a parent is the most devastating of all losses, but for young children, it is catastrophic.

Susan Braden, Goleta


To the editor: Dr. Chen uses convoluted logic to suggest that elderly nursing home residents perhaps should not be receiving the first vaccine doses.

She wrongly assumes a vaccinated person cannot infect others. Furthermore, vaccinated young people may be inclined to behave more irresponsibly than they did before they got their shots.


The first people to get vaccinated should be those who are most at risk.

Michael Stuart Baskin, Covina


To the editor: Thanks to Dr. Chen for her letter regarding vaccinations. I completely agree. I am 90 years old and living by myself. My son is the only visitor I have who comes into my house.

I believe younger people should be vaccinated first, especially those working in essential businesses, such as grocery stores. Elderly people such as me should be vaccinated after, not before, younger people.

Emma Willsey, Huntington Beach
