
Obama to hold news conference with Iraqi leader

President Obama speaks at a morning news conference Monday, as the White House kicks off a week focused on the U.S. exit from Iraq -- and on the fulfillment of Obama’s campaign promise to end the war.

With a range of events, beginning with a visit by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq to the Oval Office today, the White House is looking to drive home the message that the war is over and the troops are coming home with honor.

After the meeting and news conference with Al-Maliki, the two men will participate in a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.


On Wednesday, Obama will travel to Ft. Bragg in North Carolina to mark the return of troops.

That event in particular highlights the critical role the military drawdowns -- both in Iraq and in Afghanistan -- will play in the reelection campaign Obama began this month.

As the White House lays out the story, the Iraq withdrawal represents a clear point of difference between Obama and the Republican contenders for president.
