
Tears in Eyes, Sirhan Pleads to Be Set Free

Associated Press

Sirhan B. Sirhan, pleading with tears in his eyes to be freed from prison, told a parole board today, “I’m not interested in being a troublemaker any more.”

The 41-year-old convicted assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy declared again and again during the hearing that he was sorry he killed Kennedy. “I wish it had never occurred--for the Kennedys’ sake and my own,” the Jordanian immigrant said.

Sirhan, clad in blue jeans and a blue denim prison shirt, spoke with emotion as he implored the board to decide that he had been punished enough for a crime he says he still does not recall.


‘I Wish They Had Killed Me’

“I want to say from the outset I’m sorry for this offense, and I wish it had never happened. When I was being trampled upon and held by the athletes (the night of the killing) I wish they had killed me, and I would not have to put up with this ordeal,” Sirhan said.

As parole board member Rudolph Castro questioned Sirhan repeatedly about his memory of the June 5, 1968, murder, Sirhan burst out: “I don’t want to be difficult, Mr. Castro. I want my liberty so bad. I’m anxious to please you, so tell me the answer you want to hear, and I will give it to you.”

The first portion of the hearing concluded with Sirhan telling the board: “I wish greater consideration be given to my having served 17 years--four years longer than the maximum--and that I would be allowed to return to my homeland rather than rot in prison, where I can be of no help to anyone.”


The board is expected to rule on his petition late today or Thursday.
