
Falwell Pays Visit to Manila, Raps U.S. for ‘Bellyaching’

United Press International

Moral Majority leader Jerry Falwell today branded Washington’s criticism of the Marcos regime as “bellyaching” and urged it to “put its money where its mouth is” to stave off a communist overthrow.

Falwell is ending a 31-hour visit to the Philippines.

“President (Ferdinand E.) Marcos has done the very honorable and courageous thing of declaring an election, and regardless of who wins that election, I think the United States then has an obligation to stop bellyaching and get in behind the Philippines with its unswerving support,” Falwell said.

The private visit to meet with Marcos and Baptist missionaries was Falwell’s first since he toured South Africa in August. After that trip he branded Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu a “phony,” and said he did not enjoy widespread support.
