
Political Party Endorsements

Much has been heard and read lately about the fact that two members of Lyndon LaRouche’s National Democratic Policy Committee won the Illinois Democratic primaries for the offices of lieutenant governor and secretary of state. They won despite the fact that the regular Democratic Party supported their opponents. The lament has been heard for the strength of the Democratic Party and the death of the Chicago machine.

But we face a greater challenge in California, because neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party would be able to endorse or oppose these candidates, or other candidates who did not truly reflect the views of those parties. The California elections code prohibits political parties from endorsing candidates in the primaries of those parties.

And, with the support of The Times, the Legislature has placed an initiative on the June ballot that would restrict the political parties even more by prohibiting their right to endorse in nonpartisan elections.


Candidates supported by the National Democratic Policy Committee have been running for local school boards in Southern California for the past several years. The parties have had the ability to endorse, off and on, during that period of time. If Proposition 49 passes, our right to endorse or oppose candidates for these offices will end.

We urge The Times to reconsider its support for Proposition 49. The election in Illinois points out the problem that occurs when a candidate can get up and say “I am a true Democrat,” and the party must stand mute.



Wallace is chair of the Los Angeles County Democratic Central Committee.
