
Coin-Toss Loser Wants Recount

United Press International

A shiny half dollar came up tails Monday in a coin toss at the Bond County courthouse, giving Democrat William (Bill) Willeford a fifth term as sheriff.

But his opponent’s attorney said a recount would be sought.

Willeford, 62, had been opposed in last Tuesday’s election by Republican William Gribble, 50, a businessman and former Sangamon County sheriff’s deputy. Each received 2,912 votes.

The two-story, 101-year-old brick courthouse was jammed with about 200 people Monday when Duane Reeves, editor of the Greenville Advocate, tossed the coin onto a small rubber mat on the courthouse floor.


The coin rolled off the mat on the first toss, making a second one necessary. That one came up tails, the side of the coin designated for Willeford by the Illinois Board of Elections.
