
‘Victory for Property Rights’

From statements made by Neal R. Peirce (“Black Tuesday: “A Big Victory for Property Rights Over Public Rights,” June 26) I think it’s fair to conclude that he considers himself a liberal.

Aren’t property owners and developers just as entitled to their constitutional rights as everyone else?

Why is it that U.S. Supreme Court decisions in favor of civil rights are applauded by liberals and decisions in favor of private property rights are scorned by the same people?


Apparently Peirce doesn’t like to consider private property owners as people with constitutional rights, thus making it easier to take away their rights in the so called best interest of the public.

For those who believe (as Peirce apparently believes) that private property rights should be ignored for the greater benefit of “the people,” I can suggest at least two governments that agree with this philosophy--Cuba and the Soviet Union.


