
Post-Prom Party Killing

Just who is responsible for the death of the 17-year-old girl in an Anaheim hotel room (“All-Star Shot to Death After Her Prom Night,” Part B, June 3)? Oh yes, the 19-year-old man pulled the trigger. Everyone is sure of that and quick to charge him with murder.

What about the hotel management that rented three rooms for the purpose of an unsupervised high school party to the same 14 teen-agers, where the management could certainly be assured that alcohol would be present? Or did some thoughtful parent rent the rooms?

What about the 14 sets of parents who allowed their underage teen-agers to attend a party unsupervised?


At what age does the responsibility of parents end? At 12? At 16? When will our society learn that the responsibilities of parenthood do not end as the teen-age years come to a close? How many lives will be touched by the horrifying incident? How long before it happens again?


