
SIMI VALLEY : City Dump May Use Reclaimed Water

Simi Valley sewer water may soon be sprayed on dusty garbage and landscaping at the city dump, following a decision by the City Council Monday to allow the Calleguas Municipal Water district to launch a sewage-water recycling program.

Under the program, the district will use state water conservation funds to pay for a $1-million pipeline to transfer treated sewage from the city’s sanitation plant to the Simi Valley landfill.

Landfill manager Scott Bradley said that he was not aware of the council’s decision but that he was eager to begin using recycled water at the dump.


The landfill uses up to 25,000 gallons of water a day for dust control.

“It’s a shame to use drinking water from the city’s system for this type of purpose,” Bradley said. “What a great fit to be able to use reclaimed water up here.”
