
Teaching Tolerance

“Data-Gathering by Militias, Neo-Nazis Sets Off Violence Alarms” (Sept. 11) spotlights the activities of Aryan Nations and the militia movement in intelligence-gathering operations with some ominous overtones. Those of us who feel deeply that America was meant to be a nation of tolerance are surely troubled by the suspicion, hate and agitation being stirred up by some of these groups.

One bright beacon of hope for me is the excellent Teaching Tolerance magazine and education program sponsored by another arm of the Southern Poverty Law Center. (Its Klanwatch arm was cited in the article.) This magazine is free to any teacher who wants to encourage children toward understanding and tolerance instead of hate and division.

Meanwhile, we must find a way to communicate with the militias and racist groups. How can we draw them into more hopeful thinking and positive activity toward the future of this land we all share?



Huntington Beach
