
‘D Word’ Develops Into the Doable in ’96

For years, this city fought growth to the extent that some residents wouldn’t even say “development.” They just referred to “the D word.”

But the current City Council is behind plans for two major redevelopment projects expected to move ahead briskly in 1996.

One is a make-over for the Village Entrance, a 2.5-acre lot at Forest Avenue and Laguna Canyon Road that is considered the gateway to downtown.


The project is significant because it could cost as much as $6 million, City Manager Kenneth C. Frank said.

“The Village Entrance is certainly a major effort,” Frank said. “If we’re going to commit $6 million to the project, it will be the biggest effort since the Laguna Laurel acquisition. And Laguna Laurel was the biggest thing ever in the city” in terms of expense.

The other big project, Frank said, is the redevelopment of the oceanfront Treasure Island Mobilehome Park, the largest in the city. Frank said he expects a development proposal from the landowners this month and closure of the park by June 30.


The Village Entrance proposal, discussed for a decade, is so important to current city leaders that they recently appointed a 22-member task force to help shape it.
