
Boys’ Soccer Game Postponed by Rain, Equipment Troubles

Friday’s Sea View League boys’ soccer game between second-place El Toro and third-place Woodbridge was postponed because of an unplayable field. Friday morning’s rain was indirectly responsible.

The game originally was scheduled for Alton Park, where Woodbridge normally plays its home games. But Woodbridge Coach Jon Szczuka said city officials deemed the field unplayable.

The game was switched to Woodbridge High, but wet grounds were not a problem. Referee Duncan McRae said neither goal met regulation dimensions and neither net fit the goal.


“We canceled it for the sake of the varsity teams so they could have a good and fair game,” McRae said. “The field was not regulation. If we played the game, we’d have problems of protests and such because the goals were not the same size. This is the first time I’ve ever canceled a game for this reason.”

Standard goals could have been placed on the field, but McRae said there wouldn’t have been enough time to get in a full game because the field does not have lights.

Szczuka said the game was tentatively rescheduled for Jan. 29 at Alton Park. Woodbridge is 11-3-3, 2-1-1; El Toro is 11-3-4, 2-0-2.
