
Community Colleges

Re: “College Panel Is Facing $8-Million Dilemma,” Feb. 29.

Reading of the waste of taxpayers’ money normally stimulates righteous indignation in me. But the fiasco of the Los Angeles Community College District with their $12.5-million building that is now worth but $4 million I can only laugh at.

Most public bodies reflect the needs and desires of the electorate. The board of trustees of the LACCD reflects the desires of the board itself and the American Federation of Teachers to whom they owe their election. You see, Angelenos don’t take the time to go out and vote for LACCD trustees. They are just not important enough. Fifteen years ago I headed a polling place in Bel-Air when the only thing on the ballot was the LACCD board. Nobody in that precinct voted. The teachers union seems to be the only group that cares who wins, and it thereby controls the board. So everyone laugh with me as we let the . . . board waste our money and don’t care enough to vote them out of office.


Studio City
