
Safety and Fun With Firearms

Olympic Shooting Team members will be among the firearms experts on hand at the Angeles Expo ’96 Shooting Sports Fair this week at Angeles Ranges, a 100-acre facility in Little Tujunga Canyon, open since 1956.

The event includes exhibitions, demonstrations and competitions, including a celebrity Sporting Clays Tournament (featuring Hollywood types such as Robert Stack, Luke Perry, Brad Johnson, Laura McKenzie and others). Other contests are planned, including Cowboy Action Shooting matches, along with a cannon and Gatling gun firing. Seminar topics include hunting, archery safety, self-defense and women’s shooting. Vendors include firearms manufacturers, outdoor sporting gear, and other accessories.

Angeles Ranges, 12651 Little Tujunga Canyon Road, San Fernando. Friday, noon-7 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Spectators must were protective eyewear in shooting areas. $7; seniors, $6; ages 12-17, $4; 11 and younger, free. (800) 499-4486.
