
Health Program Debate Revived

* I am extremely infuriated that Jack Miller, head of Orange County’s Environmental Health Division, has decided to terminate the inspection program for mammography facilities in Orange County and turn it over to the state (July 24).

The program has been successful for 34 years. The prospect of having to deal with some bureaucrat in Sacramento when a problem arises is alarming. I strongly protest the decision to end the program and will fight to keep local control. Women’s health has been placed on the back burner for too long.


La Palma

* Robert Hurwitz’s July 13 letter, lamenting the demise of the Orange County radiological health program, prompts the question of whether Dr. Hurwitz recognizes fact from fiction.


What is Hurwitz’s basis for stating that the Orange County program is the envy of the country? Perhaps he was referring to the climate. I assume that a lot of Minnesota X-ray inspectors may envy the Orange County program for the climate, especially in the winter.

Does Dr. Hurwitz really think that the county would give up a fully state-funded program if the personnel working in that program were really hard-working, skilled professionals who were intent on ensuring our citizens safe and well-run radiology services?


