


Based in Westerville, Ohio. (614) 890-1573

The Report Card: The first several pages of the report rank the school system as compared with systems nationwide. For example, the average size of elementary school classes within a district are compared with national averages.

Comparisons also are reported for school system tax base, education levels of school system residents and home values within the district.

Reports include a helpful checklist advising parents about what to do once they have narrowed down their choice of schools. The checklist includes questions to ask school administrators and teachers, and things to look for when visiting a school.


The addresses and phone numbers of each school in the district are included.

Parents who want to compare a district with national averages would find these reports useful. But those who just want to compare a district with those nearby or who want information about specific schools should look elsewhere.

Room for Improvement: The company’s Web site is busy and confusing. Links to company press releases and amateurish graphics compete for attention with information about SchoolMatch’s services and products on the home page.

Prices: A “snapshot” listing five facts about a specific high school costs $19 when ordered by phone, $10 ordered online. Districtwide “report card” costs $49 if you order by phone, $34 online. A full search service that provides you with a list of 15 districts or private schools that meet your exact criteria is $97.50 ordered by phone and $68 online.


Rating: 2 apples.
