
Slow Down to Prevent Lactic Acid Buildup

Question: I am 64, lift weights, run, etc. I tend to build up lactic acid in my muscles very quickly and have trouble getting rid of it. If I lay off weights or running for a week, it’s like starting from ground zero. Any ideas?


Answer: Try running at a slower speed--you are probably running too fast. This can cause a buildup of lactic acid. Run at a speed just below the lactic acid burn.

You should also consider trying interval training in your runs. An example is to alternate 90 seconds of fast running with 30 to 60 seconds of brisk walking. Remember to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before the intervals and cool down for the same amount of time. Intervals burn higher levels of body fat and build a stronger cardiovascular system than the traditional method. Also, consider scheduling leg training on a separate day than your running. Doing both on the same day can lead to overtraining.


As always, consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.


Stephanie Oakes is the fitness correspondent for Discovery Health Channel and a health/fitness consultant. Send questions by e-mail to [email protected]. She cannot respond to every query.
