
Defending his record

In her column (“Still looking out for No. 1 in the 10th,” Opinion, Jan. 18), Erin Aubry Kaplan said that when I was a councilman, I was chiefly known for my “public gaffes, questionable ethics and public support for development projects of uncertain merit.” She says I had a “mutually beneficial relationship” with business owners and developers in Koreatown.

It baffles me how Kaplan could write something so completely false.

The truth is, in 1987 when I took office, the major intersection of Koreatown was Olympic and Harvard boulevards, where most storefronts were boarded up. There was no economic development. The city rejoiced when immigrants came from Korea and invested their life savings in the revitalization of their community, increasing the city’s tax base and providing jobs for the unemployed.

I supported development in Koreatown, but I also supported development throughout my district. Kaplan should drive through the district to see the fruits.


The constituents I represented for 16 years will never say that they were neglected.

Among other projects, I’m proud of the six libraries that I rebuilt, most south of Olympic Boulevard. I built three child-care centers, a recreation center in Baldwin Hills and the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center, where the auditorium seats 402 people. The list goes on.

Kaplan should not vent her venom on our community but educate herself on the progress that’s been made in the 10th District.


Former City Councilman

Los Angeles
