
Observations on the benefits of zinc

The Times presented conflicting articles on zinc’s health benefits [“An Element of Mystery in Zinc Cold Treatments” and “Make Zinc a Key Ingredient of that Healthy-Aging Cocktail,” Nov 19]. One was yet another tiresome article claiming no “proof” of zinc’s health benefits. The companion article, by Susan Bowerman, a nutrition specialist, is a well-written treatise on zinc’s manifold health benefits. I vote for Susan’s article.

In my experience, I have found zinc to be an immune system boost when taken as a supplement, and it gives me immediate relief from nasal cold symptoms when taken as a homeopathic spray/gel. These two forms of zinc utilization provide a substantial cold-fighting benefit. I believe in Susan’s credible description of how zinc works to boost one’s immune system.

Finally, missing from both articles is the added health benefit of zinc for men: prostate health. It has long been my contention (many letters to The Times) that zinc is vital to prostate health. It is a shame that urologists do not recognize this.


Jeff Drobman

