
Letters: Lee Baca’s defense

Many of the problems at Los Angeles County jails have been addressed, says Sheriff Lee Baca.
(Reed Saxon / Associated Press)

Re “Dysfunction at the jails,” Editorial, July 11

The Times fails to acknowledge the summation presented by your chief witness at the county’s new jails commission, Sheriff’s Capt. Michael Bornman.

Bornman was asked what needed to be done to improve the jails. He said repeatedly that the department had already fixed problem after problem. His list of improvements at the jails was so long he had to write them down. As he went through his list, he said (and this is a quote often repeated in his summation), “I know that’s been taken care of.”


That’s right — the chief witness in your editorial says that problems in the jails have “already been taken care of.” You neglected to mention that.

Criticism is necessary; so are all the facts. I simply ask you to present both.

Lee Baca

Los Angeles

The writer is sheriff of Los Angeles County.

Re “Former jail official tells of brutality,” July 7

Why is it that so many people in the public spotlight can come up with the best excuses when caught doing something wrong?


Parents whose children are caught doing wrong reply, “My child wouldn’t do that.” Our politicians are caught, and their lawyers claim innocence. Law enforcement officers are taped beating a suspect or a prisoner, and the excuse is that the offender was unruly or disrespectful.

Then the question becomes why so many people are angry at the system. Could it be because of the cruelty or treatment they receive behind bars?

Charles P. Martin

Los Angeles


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