
Who pays the legal bill for San Diego mayor’s boorishness?

Sometimes you have to wonder whether these guys are secretly on the payroll of “The Daily Show.”

Because that’s definitely where this is heading.

Bob Filner is the San Diego mayor whose idea of compromising with the thunderclap of calls for him to resign is to spend two whole weeks in “behavior rehab” to undo the boorish habits of years.

Or at least to while away half of August hoping some other political scandal comes along to eclipse his own. Too bad for Filner that Anthony Weiner’s scandals peaked -- or plunged -- too early to divert attention from the mayor of America’s Finest City to the wanna-be mayor of the Big Apple.


Gross stuff.

Now, Mayor Don’t Wear Your Panties to Work Day has outdone his own brazenness, asking the city to pay his legal bills to defend him against these sexual harassment charges. (The city says it cannot because it is a defendant in this too.)

So many women are coming forward with seamy variations on the same story about Filner’s wretched excesses that we might be looking at a class-action suit here.


Robert Rizzo, the former Bell city manager who faces trial as the alleged ringleader of the little town’s massive corruption scheme, doubled down with his claim that he was entitled to be reimbursed for his legal fees by the city he’s accused of ripping off: His contract had a clause guaranteeing the city would stick up for him against “any type of claim.” The court said no way to that one.

Several Honolulu cops accused of faking overtime reports cited a state law to argue they were entitled to a state-paid defense if they were prosecuted for a crime or for acts performed on duty and in the line of duty.

But how about if they step out of line on duty, which is what these matters are about?

Institutions -- from corporations to churches -- that have found themselves defendants in lawsuits against their employees have clamored to be dismissed because misbehavior, they say, is not in the job description.


An Ohio prosecutor charged with forging an indictment wanted the county that employed him to pay for his defense. Nothing doing -- only if he had been acting in good faith and doing his job properly would that kick in.

And now San Diego’s mayor is laying claim not only to the city’s attention and anger but to its purse.

As long as he’s in rehab for his sexual harassment problems, maybe he can stay another week or two and undergo chutzpah therapy. It might even be covered by his health insurance.


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