
Golden Pass in Mexico

If you’re planning a long sojourn in Mexico, look into the Golden Pass program launched by Los Angeles-based Mexico Travel Advisers.

This pass, which costs $499 per person, covers hotel rooms for 30 consecutive nights. In addition, you get two meals a day, a la carte, at each hotel--breakfast plus either lunch or dinner. Hotel and food taxes are included. The total is about $16.67 a day.

Cities involved are Mexico City, Taxco, Acapulco and Tehuacan; you can divide your time as you wish between them during the period.


At least your first night should be booked in advance of departure. MTA can make reservations for you from its offices in Mexico City and Acapulco.

It’s important to note that accommodations under this program are on a space-available basis.

Hotels in the program include the Reforma and Vasca de Quiroga in Mexico City, the Hotels de La Borda and Rancho Taxco-Victoria in Taxco, the Casablanca in Acapulco and the Hacienda Spa Penafiel in Tehuacan.


The program will be in effect in 30-day periods ending on April 19. There is no refund for unused nights. Contact travel agents for details.

Hilton Hotels is offering free travel gift discounts to each guest staying at participating properties from Jan. 1 to April 30, 1987. Each guest will receive a gift for every night, regardless of the length of stay. There is no minimum number of stays to qualify, and the program is good throughout the week and on holidays. For example, a couple spending Friday and Saturday nights only would receive four gifts.

The discount gifts have an average value of $50 and are divided between airlines, car rentals, cruises and Hilton rooms, food and beverages.


This program is geared for people who don’t travel enough to qualify for the usual frequent-traveler program, but Hilton is using it to acquire a data base for building such an award system.

Accordingly, you would have to fill in an application with an identification card for free membership in the program. When you turn in your application at check-out, you get your free travel discount.

Contact travel agents or Hilton Hotels at 800-HILTONS.
