
Bakery Plans Child ID Program

Child identification kits, complete with fingerprint pods and on-the-spot photographs, are being offered free of charge to shoppers with children at hundreds of Southern California supermarkets through Nov. 13 by Van de Kamp’s Holland Dutch Bakers.

Dutch-dressed Van de Kamp’s women will take pictures of children and distribute identification material and safety tips to their parents at Lucky stores, Vons, Hughes and additional chains and independent grocers scheduled to participate on weekends.

The Child Identification Kit Program has been endorsed by Los Angeles County Sheriff Sherman Block and Atty. Gen. John Van de Kamp.


Richard B. Gordinier, president and chief executive officer of Van de Kamp’s, said special booths will be set up in participating stores where children 12 years and younger will be photographed and their parents provided with a free identification kit, safety tips and the developed photo print.

“Participating chains and independent grocers will display window posters and carry advertisements indicating days and times the kits will be distributed in their stores,” Gordinier said.
