
Civil Engineers Fete Diamond Jubilee, Install New Officers

The Los Angeles section of the American Society of Civil Engineers celebrated its diamond jubilee at a banquet and installation of officers at the Hotel Queen Mary in Long Beach.

Frank R. Bowerman is the new president; Schaefer J. Dixon, president-elect; Gerald S. Kovacs and R. Logan Hardison, vice presidents; Don Wells, secretary; Robert A. Burks, treasurer. Others are Thomas S. Maddock, senior past president and Irving Sherman, junior past president; Ajit Bose-Roy, assistant treasurer; Catherine Anderson, associate member forum and David S. Harrison, AMF past president.

The new directors are Gerald Jensen, David Prasifka, Ray Wellington, Dennis Shellenberger, Glen McPherson and Marian P. Shaw.


A 75th-anniversary desk calendar has been prepared by the section and will be available to engineers throughout the area. It features historical photographs of landmark civil engineering projects in the Greater Los Angeles area.
