
Lake Tahoe Parties Entice Southlanders

It seemed as though half of Southern California was at Lake Tahoe’s Glenbrook, West Shore and North Shore last weekend: Multihued sunsets, fluffy clouds and aromatic pines accentuated pristine weather. Hosts and hostesses crammed in house guests for swift rounds of dinners and luncheons--on the sand, in the meadow, on boats, on decks. The afternoon nap was a laugh.

On Saturday at twilight, Arcadians Joan and Dave Traitel turned their summer Glenbrook retreat into a jamboree scene, flying in Igor’s Cowboy Jazz Band from Arizona and setting up haystacks and checkered tables around the dance floor, on a meadow looking toward the lake. Two summers ago they entertained 100, last year 150. This year 220 Southern and Northern Californians came decked in Navajo jewelry, fancy boots and snazzy denims.

The night before, San Marino residents Jim and Linda Dickason had hosted 100, including their house guests--Sandy and Maria Mallas and Sandy and Robert Huntley--on the new deck at their Glenbrook home. Over at the North Shore, Marjorie Miller was hostess for the weekend, entertaining Lupe Hinckle, Robert Hastings, architect Jack Warnecke, Sotheby’s Eleanore Phillips Colt, Ellie Valianos of Santa Barbara and Laura Clark.


And on Saturday more than 350 sat on the sand at the Metcalf estate on Rubicon Beach on the West Shore and watched New York couturier Bill Blass present his fall collection. The setting was sensational: Models breezed down a ramp on the beach, with the rippling lake and the purple mountains majestic in the background. Straw-hatted guests, seated at low tables on the sand, ate fried chicken from gingham baskets.

Co-chairwoman Diane Knowles introduced Blass as “Lake Tahoe’s one and only Santa Claus.” Blass does the show every four or five years, and officials of the sponsoring League to Save Lake Tahoe Charitable Trust said they were again thrilled.

Before Blass, looking tan, was whisked away on boat by his weekend hosts, Dolph and Emmy Andrews, he promised: “I’ll be back.”


At the Traitels’, Southern Californians included former U.S. Ambassador to Ireland Pete Dailey and his wife, Jackie; Jane and Bill Taverner; Ada and John Watson; Harriet and Bill Plunkett; Marge and Al Talt; Nancy and Jim Kennedy; Tom and Lucy Hartford, and Dan and Louise Brigham. Also there were Bob and Jane Daiss and Bill and Nancy Baxter (the Daisses and the Baxters, former next-door neighbors in San Marino, live at Glenbrook).

Many at the Traitels’ also were at the Blass show, along with New York socialite Nan Kempner, San Franciscans Charlotte Maillard Swig, Herb Caen and Louise Davies and Hillsborough residents Gay and Jack Bradley. Also in the spotlight: the day’s hosts and honorary chairmen, John and KJ Metcalf and Sue Metcalf.

After Tahoe, Bob Hastings joined Phyllis Diller aboard the Regal Princess in New York. It’s Princess Cruises’ newest super ship (1,590 passengers), due to be christened today by former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who was honored at a dinner Wednesday night aboard ship.


Those invited included Blass, Barbara Walters, Henry and Nancy Kissinger and Bill and Pat Buckley. Tonight the ship celebrates a “Love Boat Reunion,” and Diller will join Carol Channing, Florence Henderson and Doug Cramer along with “Love Boat” cast members Gavin MacLeod, Bernie Kopell and Ted McGinley.

ROMANCE: Fiorenza Courtright and Anthony Arminio tied the bonds of matrimony at St. Paul’s in Westwood, and last week Pam and Peter Mullin hosted a celebration dinner, with the invocation coming from Cardinal Roger Mahony, sitting at Fiorenza’s left (husband Tony was at her right).

“I’m crazy about all of you. I’m just nuts about all of you,” Fiorenza told 80 friends and family, “and I’m nuts about him--the new Tony Falzone!” (Falzone is her maiden name.)

Well-wishers toasting the couple: Marion and Rocco Siciliano, Richard Riordan, former Ambassador to Japan James Hodgson and his wife, Marie, Jimmy and Eva Ullo, Maggie and Harry Volk, Jane Wyatt, Mary Beth and Bob Van Dine, April and Dale Garen, Jack and Bobbi Eliott, Danny and Donna Arnold, Hannah and Ed Carter, Rosemarie Stack, Ann Miller and Jimmy Doolittle and Dorothy Pierre. As they left, they were invited to see Peter Mullin’s extraordinary car collection, including his Talbot Lago 1938 racing coupe.

FAVORITE: Designer Marc Jacobs (for the Perry Ellis fall collection) was the bon vivant at I. Magnin Beverly Hills last week when Jenny Jones Rutt, president of the Colleague Helpers in Philanthropic Service, which aids abused children, gathered her CHIPS at the behest of Beverly Hills vice president Betty Leonard. I. Magnin’s senior vice president and corporate fashion director, Ellin Saltzman, and Brent McDaneld, vice president from San Francisco, also were there to hear Jacobs proclaim: “Los Angeles is my favorite city. Paris is the most beautiful.” He added, “I love the people here--they look so healthy. Of course, New York society ladies look so well-groomed.” After chicken medallions with spinach, the svelte tried on the handsome collection and placed orders. In the crowd: Deborah Lanni, Irene Fowler, Lisa Jones, Margaret Preissman, Isable Leahy and Louise Korshak.

PAST PERFECT: John and Barbara Crowley’s gracious dinner in Pasadena to introduce Kenneth Smith, the new director of the Los Angeles County Department of Arboreta and Botanic Gardens, and his wife, Bette, to trustees of the Descanso Gardens Guild. . . .


Michael and Marilyn Diamond’s reception in Hancock Park for supporters of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles.
