
High-Speed Chases

Re “High Court Says Police Not Liable in Chase Suits,” May 27.

Our U.S. Supreme Court turned a blind eye to reckless high-speed police pursuits that kill and maim children and innocent adults. Now, in California, police have virtually no accountability to victims who die or live broken, burned and scarred.

Now, without accountability, police pursuits can scream through school zones or forget sirens and race through intersections, jumping sidewalks and causing bystander death and mayhem. The court misidentifies these events as “accidents.” In reality they are killing scenes set up by reckless decisions to begin a chase or continue an unwarranted chase.

Our state government must act to outlaw these reckless pursuits. In the meantime, when you drive through an intersection, use a freeway or cross in a crosswalk, use extreme caution. You may have only a split second to avoid a reckless high-speed pursuit.



Attorney, Los Angeles
