
Readers recommend

Ecuador: Amazon lodge

Sacha Lodge, Pilchicocha Lake; 011-5932-256-6090, “This Swiss-run lodge in the Amazon Basin provides comfortable accommodations in the deep jungle. Rooms have private baths and hot water besides private decks with wonderful forest views. Guides lead hikes in the jungle. A great way for children to receive an introduction to the rain forest.” Four-night packages (air fare from Quito and hotel), $870.

Marna Geisler, Pacific Palisades


Scotland: In the Highlands

Glenavon House, Boat of Garten, Inverness-shire. “Beautiful Victorian home in the village of Boat of Garten is in a perfect location for touring the Highlands.” Available as whole-house rental for groups. Six bedrooms, all with bath; accommodates 10. Self-catering, but owners Iain and Ann Napier can provide cook, housekeeping and other services as desired. From $1,285 per week. Book through Large Holiday Houses in Scotland, Poyntzfield House, Poyntzfield, Dingwall, Ross-shire, Scotland IV7 8LX; 011-44-1381-610-496, fax 011-44-1381-610-481,

Charlene and Arnie Sodergren, Simi Valley
