
Blessings From Hollywood

What a powerful article “God’s Entourage” is (by Amber Nasrulla, Oct. 22). Finally some positive light is shed on Christianity. Even in the darkness of Hollywood the Lord uses those, in this case actors, who are willing to stand up for the truth and share with the public the source of all their blessings.

Andrea Domoslai


Nasrulla’s story is a blatant advertorial for religion. It praises African Americans for raising their godly heads in Hollywood. Fine.

But what about the same stars who make their money and buy their homes (complete with prayer rooms) by selling sex and all the other values that Christianity condemns? What do they think of the big ones that God shakes his head at: homosexuality and abortion? To omit these important questions and focus on African American movie stars traveling proudly back to their traditional roots is biased, bad journalism and a disservice to readers.


Julian Hooper

Silver Lake
