
Cheers and jeers for Sourcebook

THE Travel section is one of my favorite parts of the Sunday paper, and this last weekend [Sourcebook, 2007] was the best I can remember in a long, long time -- lots of variety and helpful information.

Yes, I know it was because of the Travel & Adventure Show coming up. But there are many of us who would love to see such content on a regular basis.

I actually had to finish it in two sittings, there was so much to read. Thank you for a great job well done.





MY Travel section looked like Swiss cheese because I clipped something on almost every page for future reference. That was a fantastic job, organizing all of those writers and their bits of wisdom and experience.

Thanks to all who made this issue possible.


Rancho Dominguez


I was just about to recycle my 2006 L.A. Times Sourcebook but held onto it until the arrival of your 2007 edition. I am now reveling in this decision. A series of reworded articles previously written by Jane Engle and James Gilden is masquerading as the 2007 Sourcebook.

What a disappointment. Where is the list of airlines that serve major cities? How about the California visitors bureaus listing, the foreign government tourist office listing or the state government listing?


How about transportation information? Yes, everything is on the Internet. But what about us faithful rotary-phone users? The foundation of the Sourcebook was always the above listings. You should have a makeup Sourcebook. Shame on you.


Beverly Hills
