

As a Washingtonian who lives close to many of the spots you highlighted in the Jan. 11 piece “D.C. Like a Local,” just wanted to say thanks for highlighting these spots and to make some additions.

As an alternative to the oft-crowded Amsterdam Falafel, check out Old City Cafe, 1773 Columbia Road N.W. The falafel and extensive toppings bar are better, the prices are equivalent and the place is much bigger. As an alternative to Dukem, which is large and touristy, walk a couple of more blocks down U Street, then south on 9th Street N.W. There are several smaller, delicious Ethiopian and Eritrean restaurants to enjoy. If readers are going to the Black Cat, check out Bar Pilar, a small bistro-style bar/restaurant. It’s usually busy, but the food, drinks and atmosphere are worth it.

Lindsay Jenkins

Washington, D.C.
