
Web Buzz: helps before, during and after a flight

If booking air travel makes you cranky, seek refuge in, the go-to source for warm and fuzzy flight assistance when you don’t want to face potential (and urgent) hassles or trip planning on your own.

What’s hot: Founded by airline industry veteran Brett Snyder, best known for his Cranky Flier blog, assists travelers before, during and after their flight. Starting at $25 for a prebooked domestic trip, you can have a “travel guardian” assist you by e-mail, phone or other means if your flight is delayed or canceled, if you miss a connection or if you need your whereabouts communicated to others. For $25 more, you can also get help finding low fares and the best flight before you book. Hero scenarios reported by CrankyConcierge on its website have included finding a flight for a traveler displaced by volcanic ash, and saving a couple of thousand on a trip between Saudi Arabia and the U.S.

What’s not: Don’t wait until it’s too late to buy. Urgent help that is required within 24 hours can cost you up to three times what you would have paid if you had planned ahead.
