
Unique parade highlights

This year, the opening spectacular is followed by a flyover from a United States Air Force B-2 Spirit stealth bomber (Parade Order: 4). Though it first flew in 1989, the flying-wing B-2 still looks futuristic, and its 172-foot wingspan — wider than a football field — should cast a jaw-dropping shadow over the parade route. The arrival of the B-2 is meant to remind spectators of the American servicemen and -women stationed around the world.

More incredible dimensions come courtesy of Wild West Willie: a 9-year-old black and white cross-bred Brahma steer standing 6 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing 2,850 pounds (Parade Order: 76). Willie, who’s been trained to be ridden on and to bow down, has appeared in a TV movie and a Ford truck commercial. A veteran of numerous parades in his native Canada, Wild West Willie will be ridden by his owner Doug Rogers on New Year’s Day.

The parade’s equestrian highlights will include the 12 snowy Spanish Andalusian stallions of the Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament chain of dinner theaters ridden by appropriately attired “Knights of the Realm” (Parade Order: 12).


Distinctively uniformed troopers will ride the well-trained quarter horses and mules of the 1st Cavalry Division’s Horse Cavalry Detachment (Parade Order: 24). The Spirit of the West Riders — a unique equestrian unit that melds history with entertainment in its representation of the men and women who tamed the American frontier — will make its 19th parade appearance this year (Parade Order: 51).

And stick around for the two horse-drawn antique fire wagons of the California State Firefighters’ Assn. (Parade Order: 93).
