
Your Scene: Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve

We’re in the midst of wildflower season. We know because you’ve been reminding us by sending in your flora-filled photos. Judging from the photo submissions, many readers were in the Lancaster area this weekend to partake in the 20th Annual California Poppy Festival.

Times reader “PaDanby” captured this scene Sunday at the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve, about 15 miles west of Lancaster. The nature reserve’s website, last updated Friday, said it’s not a great year for the poppies. But things don’t look so bad from this photo.

View past photos we’ve featured. To upload your own, visit our reader travel photo gallery. When you upload your photo, tell us where it was taken and when. The more we know about the photo, the more likely it is that we’ll feature it in our daily “Your Scene” posts here. To help us credit you properly, please include your name and city of residence.


— Jason La
